
The Surest Way To Pass On Your Wealth

3 bedroom house with a pool owned by a baby boomer that secured her wealth by owning BVI property in 1995. After years of appreciation its now listed for sale! see  Romney Park House I imagine a wave of baby boomers (over 60 million Americans and over 100 million in other countries around the world) all in worry over their retirement or their children's future. The current pandemic has changed the way we all look at life.  Those that own real estate are much less worried than those that do not own any. I could get into that the fact that because the banks are doing whatever they can to help home owners depicts a certain level of value within the economy that a homeowner carries but we wont get into that.  Under the current conditions we are all equally at risk to this deadly disease, whether it be via or health, or businesses and our families, and we all had to quarantine or stay home at home point.  In times like this its only natural to think about one's ...

The Reality of Economic Classes After Covid-19

Most of us are currently stuck in doors , whether it be by choice or by force . After the pandemic is over what happens next will shock you , but it’s real . Most of the people  that weren’t prepared for this will still not be prepared when another “world altering”  event rolls around .  The people that you believe should stay strong and pull through will lose their grip on life and collapse . Unless you’re not very good at judging the character of others then quite honestly the people that you expect not to do well probably won’t do well . Those you expect to be negative probably will be negative , the  attitude of those you expect to be positive will be split into half .  I know this blog might seem a bit harsh , but the Corona Virus has separated the economic classes of our society even more . It has now created even smaller groups .  There’s the rich with lots of debt and the wealthy with very little debt or without any debt at all . No longer ...

Where Our Obsession With Real Estate Comes From

Today, I would like to help everyone realize why people are so obsessed with real estate . Everyone wants a home , everyone wants to own a property . I come from a beautiful Caribbean country called the British Virgin Islands , There are beautiful Villas that people buy and turn into money machines via vacation rental income , There are houses built on cliffs that any engineer would approve, and finally there are the locals that buy land and hold on to it forever , passing it from generation to generation.  But why ?  There are so many people around the world that seem to be happy and they do not own real estate .Could they be happier ? , We’ll get back to that soon enough .  To unlock our awareness about our obsessions , we will look at a bible scripture or two . First let’s take into consideration Genesis Chapter 1 vs 1. This is said to be the beginning of time . This is where God created the heavens and the EARTH.  It’s common theory that  if you crea...

Pharoahs Emergency Fund

Today's blog is an extremely important topic to business owners all over the world. This topic is so important that God used his servant Joseph to shed light on this issue with Pharoah. See Egypt was the strongest and most wealthiest empire and business model in the world at that time, they could see no physical end to their weatlh and prosperity. Egyptions lived lavishly and recklessly , God had a plan to shift the wealth of the Egyptions into the hands of the Isralites , a plan that would take several hundred years to come into play. God used a weakness in Pharoahs great empire to introduce and initiate this plan.  Before we dive into how God used Joseph to help Pharoah, lets look at a more modern example of one of the strongest businesses the world has ever seen. Tech giant Apple has $200+ billion in cash . Apple is already a strong company on its own making billions in profit every year. The $200,000,000,000 + ranks them amongst the highest in company cash reserves...

In the Beginning God created a business System

Its not all the time that entrepreneurs look to a spiritual book like the Bible for clues on how to go about starting or running their business. Even as a faith junkie I still always manage to find myself downloading 3-4 Business and or Personal Development audio books per month from the Apple Itunes Store.  It is completely normal to google Forbes, Investopedia, Bloomberg and of course Entrepreneur whenever one wants to see what the experts are doing in their business life. When the idea for the blog hit me I wasnt even reading the bible or working. Everyday I check up on a billionaire or two as these individuals are the first people we think of when it comes to " Big Success and Big Business." In the middle of an article from Forbes about Sir Richard Branson and his love for stortytelling, it hit me, the bible is filled with so many stories, are they all just about good and evil?It says In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth , no one has to be ...