Pharoahs Emergency Fund

Today's blog is an extremely important topic to business owners all over the world. This topic is so important that God used his servant Joseph to shed light on this issue with Pharoah. See Egypt was the strongest and most wealthiest empire and business model in the world at that time, they could see no physical end to their weatlh and prosperity. Egyptions lived lavishly and recklessly , God had a plan to shift the wealth of the Egyptions into the hands of the Isralites , a plan that would take several hundred years to come into play. God used a weakness in Pharoahs great empire to introduce and initiate this plan.  Before we dive into how God used Joseph to help Pharoah, lets look at a more modern example of one of the strongest businesses the world has ever seen.

Tech giant Apple has $200+ billion in cash . Apple is already a strong company on its own making billions in profit every year. The $200,000,000,000 + ranks them amongst the highest in company cash reserves. . If Apple wanted to it could buy several countries around the world with its enormous cash pile.  Apple's total valuation puts the company at  over $1.3 trillion dollars or $1,300,000,000,000 making it the most valuable company in the world by dollar amount. Its easy to say that Apple has an enormous emergency Fund.  Apple has the ability to withstand several years of famine.  But would companies today really have the understanding of cashpiles without Genesis 41? Once again God sets the foundation for everything we need to succeed in todays business world.

Genesis Chapter 41. ( Read the entire Chapter)

Joseph was a dreamer, and a man of great wisdom. Not only did he interpret Pharoahs dreams but he automatically knew how to succesfully implement it.  The story explains that hard times were ahead for Egypt . The empire was set to experience 7 years of decline or in this case 7 years of famine, They were about to miss analysts estimates, report a loss for several straight years, their best employees were going to quit, the competition was going to come out with a new product that gave them a competitive advantage , or and finally a new technological breakthrough was about to happen and because they had no money saved they lacked the ability to adapt and would be become out dated. Every business goes through a period of famine, and this is what God was showing us in this chapter. Financial expert Dave Ramsey says " prepare for the rain , its going to rain" As believers we cannot always count on God to pour out a blessing, he wants us to be faithful over what we have. In other words, we should show wisdom and understanding when dealing with our financials.

Whether your establishment is made up of just you or several 100 employees, be sure to implent an emergency fund that could allow the business to run for a while without making any money.Dont take my word for it, take God's word for it., Famine hits everyone in some way, shape or form.

Hope you enjoy! Be blessed.

While writing this blog I found even deeper revelation as I read Genesis Chapter 41. The revelation is about the "fifth"or 20% and how Joseph instructed Pharoah of the amount of wealth that should be set aside. This calls for another blog sooner than later.


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